
Safety is JOB ONE

At Rubellite, safety is our top priority. We are committed to creating a safe and secure work environment for our employees, contractors, and the communities where we operate. Our safety culture and comprehensive health and safety management systems are built on caring, competency, compliance and continuous improvement and are designed to prevent incidents, protect health, and ensure the well-being of everyone involved in our operations. Our ultimate environment, health and safety goal is Triple Zero: zero injuries, zero vehicle incidents, and zero spills.

Our Goal: Triple Zero

Our Goal: Triple Zero

Zero Injuries

Preventing workplace injuries is a fundamental aspect of our safety commitment. We strive to achieve zero injuries through:

  • Robust Training and Compliance: We provide extensive safety training for all employees and contractors, ensuring systems, procedures and processes are in place for safe operations, and that everyone involved in our operations has the knowledge, skills and competency required to perform their jobs safely. Compliance with practices and procedures is mandatory and celebrated and every worker is empowered and encouraged to call out non-compliance in the spirit of caring for each other and enhancing safety performance.
  • Safety Culture: We foster a culture of safety where every employee is encouraged to engage, think and act to prioritize their own safety and the safety of everyone around them above all else. Everyone on site is empowered to bring safety concerns to the forefront and refuse unsafe work. Hazard reporting and daily safety-focused tailgate meetings are key aspects of prevention and bringing safety to the forefront in everything we do. Our “Safety First” mindset is embedded in all of our activities.
  • Protective Equipment: We ensure that all necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) is available and used correctly at all times to reduce risk of injury.
  • Site Safety: Sites are designed to eliminate hazards and avoid unnecessary congestion wherever possible. Regular maintenance protocols ensure equipment is well maintained for safe operation.
  • Contractor Safety: Contractors providing services on Rubellite’s operating sites are required to have comprehensive environment, health and safety management programs in place and  are selected giving consideration to their safety systems and performance.

Zero Vehicle Incidents

Vehicle safety is critical to our operations, especially given the remote locations and challenging conditions where we often work. Our approach to achieving zero vehicle incidents includes:

  • Defensive Driving Training: Comprehensive defensive driving courses are foundational training for all employees who operate vehicles as part of their job, emphasizing safe driving practices and hazard recognition.
  • Vehicle Maintenance: We maintain a rigorous vehicle inspection and maintenance program to ensure that all our vehicles are in optimal condition and safe to operate.
  • Monitoring and Technology: We use advanced technologies to monitor driving behaviors and vehicle condition, providing real-time feedback and support to drivers.

Zero Spills

Preventing spills is essential for protecting the environment and ensuring the safety of our operations. Our strategies to achieve zero spills involve:

  • Rigorous Procedures: We implement strict operational procedures and protocols to prevent spills, including detailed emergency response plans and regular simulations and drills.
  • Advanced Containment Systems: We invest in state-of-the-art containment systems and technologies to manage and mitigate the risk of spills.
  • Continuous Monitoring: We continuously monitor our operations for potential risks and implement proactive measures to prevent spills before they occur.
Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Safety is an ongoing journey, and we are committed to continuous improvement in all aspects of our safety performance. Our commitment includes:

  • Regular Audits and Inspections: We conduct regular safety audits and inspections to identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with our safety standards.
  • Employee Involvement: Safety is won at the front line. Employees actively drive our safety initiatives and we encourage them to share ideas and feedback on how to enhance safety practices across the organization.
  • Learning from Incidents: When incidents, including near misses, do occur at our sites, we learn from our mistakes by conducting thorough investigations to understand the root causes and implement corrective actions and practices and procedures to prevent recurrence. Open dialogue is critical to establish and infiltrating learnings into all areas of our operations and building better systems and processes to prevent future incidents.   Safety is a priority across the energy sector and Rubellite actively participates with established organizations and networks where safety best practices are shared.
Safety Leadership and Accountability

Safety Leadership and Accountability

Leadership and accountability are crucial to our safety success. Our approach includes:

  • Leadership Commitment: Our leadership team is dedicated to safety and sets clear expectations for safety performance at all levels of the organization.
  • Safety Accountability: Everyone is accountable for safety, from executives to frontline workers. Safety performance is a key component of our performance evaluations and reward systems.
  • Transparent Reporting: We maintain transparency in our safety performance, regularly reporting our progress and challenges to stakeholders.

At Rubellite, safety is our most important core value that guides every aspect of our operations. Our goal of achieving Triple Zero – zero injuries, zero vehicle incidents and zero spills – reflects our unwavering commitment to our safety performance and the well-being of our employees, contractors, service providers and the communities where we operate. By fostering a strong safety culture, focusing on the proven elements of our comprehensive environment, health and safety management systems, investing in technology, and continuously improving our processes, procedures and practices, we strive to create a workplace where safety is paramount, and everyone can work with confidence and go home safe.